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Birthday Time and a Cousin’s Story

Angela and David 2005 in Colorado.

I love hearing stories of how Angela is still remembered near and far. Her name is still mentioned in certain circles and it makes me proud, and it breathes life back into her memory for all of us.

This summer, our cousin, David, attended a program that Angela loved, Song School in Colorado. He remembered that Angela would enthusiastically tell him to go and check it out. Although it was a little out of his comfort zone, finally, he went. It certainly was an experience, but not for the reasons expected.

Not only was he made to feel so welcome by all the open and friendly people that attend, but as soon as he mentioned Angela‘s name, he said it was like a light turned on for each person that heard it. “You are ANGELA’S cousin?” The outpouring of love and connection to her was enormous and he felt so proud and privileged to be part of the moment in this space that meant to much to her. Thank you Song School for remembering Angela. And thank you David for sharing your story.

This birthday month, and as we prepare for the holidays and hustle to come, slow down…. Think of the gift that your memories bring, that music brings when it fills your soul, how it brings people together (friends, strangers, and cousins) in joyous song, and think of the memories that our sweet sister Angela brings and how she wanted to share that musical magic with everyone. Give gratefully from your heart 💝🎈🎶

Happy 47 sister💕

47 years...just 3 1/2 years without you.

Give the gift of Music 🎶 by donating to Angela Gold Music Scholarship Fund:

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